This word is strong... judgement, its difficult i dont understand people any more now days some love to judge before they know anything or wanna kno anything about that person. judgement is something that people have taken for granite so all i got to say to all the people that like judging people just because there a little different then go away and make your self feel a little better about your self just because your a little prettier than them or in better shape, and honestly this isnt about me this time this is just because im tired of seein it in this world this is why our economy is crappin out on everyone becasue all these people are doin is going out buyin stuff just to make them "better" what ever that is. i mean really what is ordinary??? yea hard to explain huh yea didnt think so. So all i gotta say and uve heard it before you aint got nothin to say nice then shut up Pe@ce...
ReplyDeleteBrandon, be sure to apply conventions to your posts (punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc...). Posts will soon be graded severely for a lack of editing skills.
ReplyDeleteBaby Lord Jesus.