Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Odysseus and Beowulf??

Odysseus is alot like Beowulf in a sense i mean they are both really stubborn and and of course the obvious strength and courage. You have to look at it like this they both went on a hard voyage and found a mistress of some sorts an evil one. They both had to face the seas and monsters of sorts. The only thing i don't really know how Beowulf will respond when he comes back to his town. i know for a fact Odysseus came back home with a brutal comeback with someone else in his thrown and someone else in the bed, so of course hes going to be mad so he advises a plan and takes back over his thrown in a sense ;), but there's my comparison its one that came to my head from the get go so there you go Pe@ce

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Ok i didnt read all that much on Beowulf but i think it will be a journey just like Odyssey well mythical like that anyway, hopefully this book isnt a stump and hopefully it isnt a knock off but honestly im a little excited about this new reading because i wanted to see the movie but never got around to it so hopefully this is a new experience in reading.....well maybe not but hey got keep a good attitude!! :)

Monday, February 9, 2009


This word is strong... judgement, its difficult i dont understand people any more now days some love to judge before they know anything or wanna kno anything about that person. judgement is something that people have taken for granite so all i got to say to all the people that like judging people just because there a little different then go away and make your self feel a little better about your self just because your a little prettier than them or in better shape, and honestly this isnt about me this time this is just because im tired of seein it in this world this is why our economy is crappin out on everyone becasue all these people are doin is going out buyin stuff just to make them "better" what ever that is. i mean really what is ordinary??? yea hard to explain huh yea didnt think so. So all i gotta say and uve heard it before you aint got nothin to say nice then shut up Pe@ce...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Trying For Greatness

This blog is really to show alot of work pays off, see i knew this kid right and he was not in the greatest of shape his life until he looked in the mirror and said "Hey get off ur butt and lets do this" and he did and within a summer he biked 10 miles a day and lost almost 80 lbs before the new year so this is striving for success meaning you can do anything if you really put your mind to it

A Funny Little Thing I Like To Call Bloggin

Ok blogging i think its funny concept you can say whatever you want without actually saying anything, when i think of blogs i think of Facebook and Myspace and all those other sites like that.